We are now offering in-person and remote services. If you would like to schedule, call/text 651-503-3705 or the specific practitioner directly.
Sending love and light,
Holistic Therapies for Your Mind, Body and Spirit
About Triluminous
TriLuminous assists and guides individuals on their journey of self-discovery, mind/body/spirit wellness, and enlightenment. Our purpose is to provide insight, empowerment, messages, coaching, and healing as people pursue their path toward overall well-being and individual growth. Our practitioners offer a wide variety of holistic services with understanding, compassion, and empathy.
TriLuminous is committed to supporting and encouraging individuals as they develop their own spiritual gifts or lifestyle skills in an encouraging and compassionate manner. Through classes, one-on-one sessions (readings, healings, and coaching) and hands-on training (various classes, certification), clients can explore various modalities and pursue paths to deeper knowledge.
The services offered at TriLuminous include:
Connecting to client’s past, present and future for messages and insight
Love, relationships, career, financial, life path, purposes, general wellness, gifts
Connecting to loved ones who have passed
Connecting to angels and guides
Connecting to past lives
Energy work/healings
Soul journeys
Wellness hypnosis
Past life regression
Weekly and monthly classes on a variety of spiritual, empowerment, and wellness topics
Sound therapy and treatments
Life coaching and spiritual coaching
Business consulting
Certification program in energy work (Reiki certification)
Naturopathic services
Natural allergy elimination
Nutritional coaching
Schedule Your Reading, Healing, Coaching, Past Life Regression, Soul Journey or Hypnosis!
Gift Certificates Also Available!
Scheduling Private Parties for 2024 Now! Limited Availability.
Greetings! I hope your year is starting well. This will be pivotal year- collectively and for many of you. We will see many awaken in their spiritual growth and those who have already started will make great progress.
The theme 2025 is TRANSFORMATION. It is a year of spiritual growth, completion, enlightenment, deep emotions, connection to those we love and compassion. It is about laying the foundation for the next phase of your life.
In numerology, this is a nine-year. The nine-year brings significant transformations, alterations, and improvements to all areas of your life. It is also time for reassessing your life and the direction you want to go. Even though you may see the positive merits of certain situations immediately- it allows the opportunity to resolve things so you can move forward.
The numerology energy for the universal year 9 brings you to the end of a complete nine-year cycle of your life. It is a year to complete unfinished business, reach conclusions, resolve issues in all areas of your life and with relationships. These actions will help you step into the next nine years of your life without the pressure of unresolved matters from the past pulling you back. It will foster forgiveness (which is not condoning but rather releasing).
You will notice themes of humanitarianism and creativity in 2025. The energy also fosters profound spiritual growth and wellness in all areas of your life. Many will feel their true emotions and have a strong connection to those you love. Not only to know you are loved- but to feel it. It may be necessary to release old traumas, habits, conditioning, and beliefs that hold you back from being your authentic self. But the efforts will truly be worth it.
The first two digits set the stage for the year, while the last two digits direct that influence in a particular manner. The base number 20, which kicked off in the year 2000 and will remain significant through 2099, carries an energy of opposition from two contending forces with the challenge to find common ground. Yet, the higher spiritual message of the 20 is that we are in this together and not so separate. Thus it amplifies the humanitarian and collective focus to move to a more compassionate place.
The number 25 (when added together equals seven) is all about introspection, emotions, intuition, learning, seeking the truth, trust, and faith. The number five relates to change, freedom, adventure, new experiences, personal liberation, and pursuit of knowledge. It is also considered to bring good luck in life as well as personal and collective harmony.
There are two number 2’s so duality, balance and harmony will be an underlying theme to move in that direction.
You are encouraged to work with the energy. What shifts and changes do you want? Work towards those within yourself and all areas of your life. Be patient, gentle and kind to yourself through your transformation. Remember, as mentioned above- you are laying the foundation for new beginnings. Some of you have started his process towards the later part of 2024. With the transformation, know that things will come to the surface. While some may be unpleasant, know that it is empowering as you get to decide what you want to do with it. Tap into your beautiful inner wisdom and guidance. Your spiritual gifts will grow as well as your awareness of them. This is a time to align with your authentic self, your purposes, and passions. Have hope and allow that to grow into faith for the things you want and need. Hope is a desire- faith is a belief. You deserve the very best, always remember that and don’t settle for anything less.
I have posted on my website several documents on my website that will provide you with so much more information about 2025. You can look up your personal year/focus, see the major astrological events, lucky dates for you, and how 2025 will impact you based on your astrological sign. When looking at your astrological sign, I would encourage you to also look at your rising sign as well. If you don’t know what that is, you can search for it on the internet. There are many sites that will assist you in determining that. Go to: https://www.triluminous.com/meditations
This year- given the energy- I will be focusing on classes that deal with spiritual growth, healing, empowerment, and transformation. If there are classes you would like, please let me know. I certainly want to support you on your journey of transformation and feel blessed to do so. See below for upcoming classes. There are three free classes/get-togethers also listed. Margaret will coordinate a monthly Healing/Reiki Share. Anastacia will coordinate a monthly social gathering. I will be doing another free zoom class as well. I hope you find some of what is offered beneficial. Have a blessed weekend coming up.
Love and Light
A beautiful message from SPIRT that they ask that I relay to you:
"You are within a great shift. It is you beautiful souls that will shift and bring about new paradigms. Go forward with compassion- not fear. Embrace your greatness and the power you have within. You are dearly loved and supported. And know we are here to assist on your journey. Allow us to do so as that is part of our purpose."
Note: When channeling Universal Messages- I receive messages from a ‘Collective Source’. I will share more universal messages in newsletters/e-mails. Some will be specific like this one. Others are more abstract- they say they will resonate with each person on a different level.
Upcoming Classes and Events
**Please contact Jenny directly if you are interested in attending a class with your child for Highly Sensitive Children and Teens.**
Saturday, February 1st at 10:00am- Training and Certification by Jenny
Reiki Level 1 – Training and Certification
Become a certified Reiki practitioner through this training and certification process. Learn the basic healing techniques which you can use for yourself or others. You will receive your Level 1 certificate at the completion of this one-day course. For more information or to register, go to: https://reiki-level1-feb2025.eventbrite.com
Class and Certification fee: $185 (includes all material).
Note: If you would like to take a refresher course and have already by certified, contact Jenny directly. The fee would be $85.
Monday, February 3rd at 6:30pm
Meditation Monday with Jenny (In-Person or via Zoom)
Topic: Embracing Love and Compassion
For more information or to register, go to: https://meditation-feb3.eventbrite.com
In-Person Fee: $25/Zoom Fee: $20
Tuesday, February 11th at 7:00pm
Free Zoom Class and Mediation with Jenny
Topic: The Power of the Heart – Brain and Heart Coherence Class and Meditations
Join Jenny for this free zoom class where she will provide an overview, techniques, and meditations to tap into the power of the heart. She will discuss brain and heart coherence and well as heart center breathing and benefits associated with them.
For more information or to register, go to: https://heart-feb2025.eventbrite.com
Zoom Only – Free Class
Note: When completing registration, ensure your email address is entered so you receive the zoom link.
Thursday, February 13th at 6:00pm- Facilitated by Jenny
Soul and Relationship Connections – Twin Flames, Soul Mates and so much more!
Discover your soul connection to those in your life (past, present, future). That includes relationships as a whole- family, friends, colleagues, and significate other. This class will cover a variety of topics such as twin flames, soul mates, kindred spirits, enhancing relationships, soul contracts, releasing past trauma from soul connections to move forward, and gallery channeling by Jenny.
For more information or to register, go to: https://soul-connections-feb2025.eventbrite.com
Fee: $45
February 13th at 6:00pm- Coordinated by Margaret
Healing & Reiki Share (Monthly- Every 2nd Thursday of the month)
Connect to other Healers and provide services to one another. Any healing modality welcomed.
Please RSVP to Margaret 651-442-3732
Fee: Free
Tuesday, February 18th at 6:00pm- Facilitated by Margaret
Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters
Get to know a variety of Ascended Masters, their histories and how they can help us followed by a meditation to get to know a Spirit Guide or Ascended Master of your own. To register or for more information, go to:
Fee: $33
Thursday, February 20th at 6:00pm- Coordinated by Anastacia
TriLuminous Social Gathering – Connecting to Like-Minded Individuals
TriLuminous is offering space for like-minded individuals to share and discuss their spiritual and awakening journey. Sometimes as we embark on this journey, we may not have a support system to discuss things with so this informal gathering will provide that opportunity. It can be an enlightening, fun, safe and informal gathering to discuss topics, share gifts/readings, insight, and experiences as well as to connect to those who have the same interest. This is informal and goes from 6:00 to 8:30. Feel free to come and go as you like but we do ask that you reserve a spot to ensure enough seating. Anastacia will coordinate and facilitate this social time on the third Thursday of the month. To reserve your spot or for more information, go to https://social-feb2025.eventbrite.com or call/text Anastacia at 651-895-0552
Fee: Free (donation accepted and/or bring a dish to share if you like)
Saturday, February 22nd at 10:30am- Facilitated by Jenny
Overcoming Fear, Anxiety and Releasing Trauma
The energy of 2025 fosters healing on all levels. The energy is ideal for those who deal with anxiety, are in a fear-based state, and/or need to release the triggers created from trauma. This class is empowering- designed for those having a difficult time overcoming stress, trauma, anxiety, and fears with easy, practical techniques that you can use every day. Time to shift your energy and allow your inner & higher self to guide you. Excellent class for those who are highly sensitive (Empaths) as well! Jenny will focus on the following:
• Channeling by Jenny related to some of the issues causing stress, anxiety, fear, and trauma so you can move beyond it (done in group setting) and empower yourself.
• Overcoming and removing triggers related to past traumas.
• Creating a new way to connect to people, develop relationships and have the experiences you want and deserve.
• The impact from living in a fear-based state of mind and techniques to move beyond it.
• How the energy has shifted, making people more sensitive to these changes.
• Using your innate (inner/higher self) to guide you on the ‘unknown’.
• Is it your fears/anxiety or are you picking up this from others? Understanding Empaths- the benefits and barriers.
• Provide tools and techniques to allow Empaths to be able to reduce and even eliminate the negative impact of negative energy from other people and the environment. You will be able to live more freely and joyfully without worrying about the impact on you of going into crowds, emotional family drama, negative work environments, and others.
• How do past lives carry over fear, phobias, and anxiety? What can be done to shift it?
• Learn how to protect your energy body (aura) to prevent you from absorbing other people's energy and emotions from draining you.
• Hypnosis done in group forum.
• Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT- tapping) which has assisted in overcoming fears, trauma, and anxiety.
• Pressure points and breathing techniques to release anxiety instantly.
• Care package provided for clearing and protection
For more information or to register, go to: https://anxiety-feb2025.eventbrite.com
Fee: $115
Monday, February 24th at 6:30pm
Meditation Monday with Jenny (In-Person or via Zoom)
Topic: Your Authentic Self and Connecting to Your Soul
For more information or to register, go to: https://meditation-feb2025.eventbrite.com
In-Person Fee: $25/Zoom Fee: $20
Sunday, March 2nd at 1:00pm- Facilitated by Margaret
Reading Angel Oracle Cards
Learn how to read Angel Oracle Cards - single cards and different card spreads. Use oracle cards to increase your intuition and closeness with your angels and guides. Free Angel Oracle deck included with fee ($25 value). In person or zoom. To register or for more information, go to:
Class Fee: $99
Wednesday, March 5th at 6:00pm- Facilitated by Margaret
Automatic Writing
Learn to access your Spirit Guides, Angels, and Higher Self in the art of automatic writing. Notebook and pen provided. To register or for more information, go to:
Fee: $33
Saturday, March 8th at 10:00am- Facilitated by Jenny
Introduction to Gifts: Develop your Psychic, Intuitive and Healing Gifts
Join Jenny for a one-day event that introduces you to the various intuitive, psychic and healing gifts. This intensive but motivating class will open your awareness so that you can receive guidance and healing for yourself and for others. This is a great class for those wanting to explore more about the various gifts they have and to expand the use of their gifts. To register or for more information, go to https://giftsintro-march2025.eventbrite.com
Fee: $150
Saturday, March 22nd at 10:30am- Facilitated by Jenny
Transformation – Laying the Foundation for a New You and New Beginnings
The year 2025 is all transformation, laying the foundation of what you want moving forward (within yourself and life). It also fosters spiritual growth as well healing. Join Jenny in this enlightening, empowering class, and gallery-style channeling session where she will assist you on your transformation journey and the discovery of the New You. She will assist you in your personal and spiritual growth and empowerment. It’s time to move forward in your passions, career, relationships, health, and other areas of your life. Jenny will cover a wide variety of topics. Select the link to see all that is covered in this empowering class.
For more information or to register, go to: https://transformation-march2025.eventbrite.com
Fee: $150