Resource Material
Click the link below to see the files
Compassionate Reactions - Zoom Class and Meditation
Awakening Material
Mindfulness Techniques
Empath Protection Exercises
Soul Journey & Past Life Regression Process and Preparation
Spiritual Development Material
Animal Meanings
Number Chart (Numerology)
Twin Flame/Soul Mates
2025 Numerology and Your Personal Year Focus
2025 Astrological/Zodiac Signs Focus
2025 Chinese Zodiac Focus
2025 Lucky Dates by Zodiac
2025 Major Astrological Events
Meditation is a powerful tool to assist with wellness of the mind, body and emotional being. It also allows us to connect to our true authentic self- our soul as well as other spiritual beings. It is most commonly defined as a self-regulated altered state of consciousness or attention which is primarily directed to self-awareness. Individuals seek a deeper state of awareness and relaxation for a variety of purposes: spiritual growth, opening or expanding awareness of gifts and abilities, greater focus, heightened creativity, higher state of consciousness, peaceful state of mind and expanding inner love, wisdom, power and light. It is also considered a valuable modality for stress relief, increasing mental clarity, self- healing, pain reduction, emotional cleansing, manifesting and chakra clearing and balancing. There are countless benefits individuals can achieve from meditation. Many have been scientifically documented.
There are many types of meditations. It may be beneficial to try various ones and see which ones resonate with you. There is no right or wrong way to meditate—its finding what works for you. PLEASE be patient, sometimes individuals become frustrated when they don’t feel they are ‘doing it correctly’. Our mind is very busy, and it does take practice to detach from that busyness. Be patient and kind to yourself. Put the intention out there before you begin that you are going to receive. Prayer is often asking or directing outward; whereas with meditation, you are receiving (messages, healing, stillness, clearing of blockages or barriers, relaxation, joy, etc.).
Below are meditations for your use. They will be updated periodically. Note: They are m4a media files so should be compatible with most media players.
New - Zoom Manifesting Class & Meditations (Audio only)- Joy Meditation & Your Choice - Play Now
New - Two Manifesting Meditations- Healing Meditation & Your Choice - Play Now
Manifesting Abundance Meditation - Play Now
Manifesting Healing Meditation - Play Now
Manifesting Relationship Meditation - Play Now
Manifesting Career Meditation - Play Now
Manifesting Financial Security Meditation - Play Now
Manifesting Vacation - Travel Meditation - Play Now
The Butterfly - Healing and Transformation
This meditation assists in the releasing of negative beliefs, conditioning and lower frequency energy such as fear and anxiety, shame, guilt, grief, anger, etc. It guides you through a transformation into empowerment and enlightenment. Time: 18 min.
Connecting to the Angelic Beings - Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters and Loved Ones Who have Passed
This meditation is intended to assist you to connect to those Angelic Beings and Loved Ones Who Have Passed. Connect to those guiding you and receive messages, healing and their divine love. Time: 2 min.
Connecting to Self and Others
This meditation is intended to assist you to connect to your heart and soul and the beauty of you. It also connects to the heart soul of others. It is a powerful worldly healing meditation as well. Time: 23 min.
Fear and Anxiety Breathing Techniques
Grounding and Centering Yourself
This short, simple yet powerful breathing technique/meditation will assist in moving past the fear and anxiety. It is also helpful for grounding and centering yourself. Time: 15 min.
Joy and Happiness - Connecting to Your Inner Child
Note: It is recommended that you play your favorite song/music in the background for this one.
This meditation takes a different approach. Often we are very serious, serene when meditating. This encourages smiles, laughter and offers a sense of freedom and playfulness. This playfulness comes through when connecting to our inner child (spirit). It intentionally doesn't have music so you can play your own that are uplifting for you. Approx. 24 min.
The Mirror - Connecting to Your Soul
Due to the size, you must email Jenny for a copy of this meditation and she will email it to you in 1-3 days of your request.
This meditation assists you on a special journey to connect to your Soul and receive empowerment, messages, guidance, love and healing. This is a deeper meditation and incorporates hypnosis techniques. Approx. 44 min.